Designation:E90-02 Standard Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of Airborne Sound TransmissionLoss of Building Partitions and Elements1
1. Scope
1.1 This test method covers the laboratory measurement ofairborne sound transmission loss of building partitions such aswalls of all kinds, operable partitions. floor-ceiling assemblies.doors,windows,roofs.paniels.and other space-dividing ele-ments.
1.2 Leboratory Accrediration-A procedure for accreditinga laboratory for performing this test method is given in AnncxA3.
1.3 Thvis standavd does nor purport to address all of thesaxfery concerns.if aray. associased wih its ase. It is theresponsibiliry of the user of nhis stadard to establish appro-pricte safety and healrh pracrices cnd deternine the applica-biliry of vegulatory lirsitarions prior to wse,
2. Referenced Documents
2.1 A.STM Srantdards:
C634Terminollogy Relating to Environmental Acoustics2E 336Test Method for Measurement of Airborne SoundInsulation in Buildings2
E413 Classification for Rating Sound Insulation3
E492Test Method for Laboratory Mcasurement of ImpactSound Transmission Through Floor-Ceiling AssembliesUsing the Tapping Mcthod2
E 90 - 02 Standard Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of Airborne Sound TransmissionLoss of Building Partitions and Elements