Designation: E8/E8M-08 Standard Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials1
1. Scope*
1.1 These test methods cover the tension testing of metallicmaterials in any form at room temperature.specifically,themethods of determination of yield strength. yield point elon-gation,tensile strcngth, clongation, and reduction of arca.
1.2 The gage lengths for most round specimens are requiredto be 4D for E 8 and 5D for E 8M.The gage length is the mostsignificant difference between E 8 and E8M Test SpecimensTest specimens made from powder metallurgy (P/M) materiallsare exempt from this requirement by industry-wide agreementto keep the pressing of the material to a specific projected areaand dcnsity.
1.3 Exceptions to the provisions of these test methods maynoed to be made in individual specifications or tcst methodis fora particular material. For examples,see Test Methods andDefinitions A 370 and Test Methods B 557,B 557M.
1.4 Room temperature shall be considered to be 10 to 38°C[50 to I00F] unless otherwise specified.
1.5 The walues stated in sl units are to be regarded asseparate from inch/pound units. The values stated in cachsystem are not exact equivalents; therefore each system mustbe used independently of the other. Combining values from thetwo systems may result in non-conformance with the standard.1.6 This stcdard does nor puarporr ro address all of thesafety concernis.if any, associated with its use. It is there spowsibiliry of the ueser of this sfandard to establish appro-priete safety and healIh practices cand determine the applica-bility of regxlatory limitationts prior to use.
2.Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Srandards: 2
E 8/E 8M -08 Standard Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials