Designation: E8/E8M-21 Standard Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials1
1. Scope
1.1These test methods cover the tension testing of metallicmaterials in any form at room temperature,specifically. themethods of determination of yield strength, yield pointelongation, tensile strength, clongation,and reduction of area.
1.2 The gauge lengths for most round specimens are re-quired to be 4D for E8 and 5D for E8M. Thc gauge length isthe most significant difference between E8 and E8Mtestspecimens. Test specimens made from powder metallurgy(P/M) matcrials are exempt from this requirement by industry-wide agreement to keep the pressing of the material to aspecific projecied area and density.
1.3 Exceptions to the provisions of these test methods mayneed to be made in individual specifications or test methods fora particular material. For examples, sce Test Methods andDefinitions A370 and Test Methods B557, and B557M.
1.4 Room temperature shall be considered to be 10 to 38C[50 to 100°F] unless otherwise specified.
1.5 The values staled in sl units are to be regarded asseparate from inch/pound units.The values stated in eachsystem are not exact equivalents; therefore each system mustbe used indcpendently of the other. Combining valucs from thelwo systems may result in non-conformance with the standard.
l.6 This standard does nor puarporr to address all of thescafery contcerns. if any. associated wihA irs sse. I is therespovsibility of the user of this siandard to estblish appro-priete sefety,healrh, and erivirorenral practices and deter-mie rhe applicebiliry of regulctory lintirations prior to use.
1.7 This inrerncarioval siandard was developed in caccor-dance wirh internationally recognized principles ow standard-izationesiablishec in the Decisiow onr Principles for rheDevelopmenr of Inlcrncationel Srandarcls,Guiddes cand Recon-
E8/E8M- 21 Standard Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials