Designation: E535-19 Standard Practice for Preparation of Fire-Test-Response Standards1
1. Scope
1.l This practice is a supplement to Forwa ard Sayle forASTM Staradards3. which shall be consulted in writing allASTM standards.
1.2 This practice contains.directly or by reference, all of theinformation required to comply with the policy on fire stan-dards and the adlditional guidelines recommended by Commit-tce E05.
1.3 This practice,intended to assist ASTM Conmmittees.establishes guidelines and criteria for the preparation of fire-test-response standards (that is. standards for response to heator flame under prescribed conditions).
1.4 This fire standard cannot be used to provide quantitativemcasuIres.
1.5 This stardard does nor purpori ro address all of uhesefety cocerRs.ifany, associcfed wih its wse.r is theresponasibiliry of the user of his stardard to esablis axppro-pricere searfery hrealt.ared esewiroraresal practices and deter-raire the aypolacabiliry of vegalatory liroxisasiouxs prior ro ese.
l.6 This insternatioral siandard was developed in accor-dance with iore-watiorally vecogaized principles on standard-izxriowr esTcrbished ir the Decision on Principles for the
E535-19 Standard Practice for Preparation of Fire-Test-Response Standards