Designation: E45-18 Standard Test Methods for Determining the Inclusion Content of Steel'
1. Scope
l.l These test methods cover a number of recognizedprocedurcs for dctermining the nonmctallic inclusion contentof wrought steel. Macroscopic methods include macroetch,fracture, step-down,and magnetic particle tests.Microscopicmethods include five generally accepted systems of examina-tion. In these microscopic methodis,inclusions are assigncd toa category based onsimilarities in morphology. and notnecessarily on their chemical identity. Metallographic tech-niques that allow simple differentiation between morphologi-cally similar inclusions are briefly discussed.While the meth-ods are primarily intended for rating inclusions.constituentssuch as carbides,nitrides. carbonitrides,borides,and interme-tallic phases may be rated using some of thc microscopicmethods. In some cases,alloys other than steels may be ratedusing one or more of these methods; the methods will bedescribed in terms of thcir use on steels.
1.2 These test methods cover procedures to perform JK-typeinclusion ratings using automatic image analysis in accordancewith microscopic methods A and D.
1.3 Depending on the type of stcel and the propertiesrequired.either a macroscopic or a microscopic method fordetermining the inclusion content,or combinations of the twomethods,may be found most satisfactory.
1.4 These test methods deal only with recommended testmcthods and nothing in them should be construed as dcfiningor establishing limits of acceptability for any grade of steel.
1.5 The valucs stated in Sl units are to be regarded as thestandard. Values in parentheses are conversions and are ap-proximate.
l.6 This standard does nor pwrporr to address all of thesefety concerns.if any, associated wirh irs use. It is rheresposibility of the user of this standard to establish cppro-priate sefery, healh,and environmiental practices and deter-rsine rhe applicabiliry of regulatory linirations prior to use.
E45-18 Standard Test Methods for Determining the Inclusion Content of Stee