ASTM E186-20 Standard Reference Radiographs for Heavy-Walled (2 to 41/2 in.(50.8 to 114 mm)) Steel Castings

Designation: E186-20 Standard Reference Radiographs for Heavy-Walled (2 to 41/2 in.(50.8 to 114 mm)) Steel Castings1
1. Scope
l.l These reference radiographs3 illustratevariouscafegories,types,and severity levels of discontinuities occur-ring in steel castings that have section thicknesses of 2 to lessthan 41/ in. (50.8 to 114 mm). The reference radiograph filmsare an adjunct to this document and must be purchasedseparatcly from ASTM International,if nceded (see 2.2).Categories and severity levels for each discontinuity typerepresented by these reference radiographs are described in 1.2.Note that the basis of application for these reference radio-graphs requires a prior purchaser/supplier agreement of radio-graphic examination attributes and classification criterion asdescribed in Sections 4,6,and 7 of this standard. Referenceradiographs for other steel casting thicknesses may be found inReference Radiograph standards E446 and E280. ReferenceRadiograph standards E446 and E280 provide some overlap ofseverity levels for similar discontinuity categorics within thesame energy level range (see 4.2,5.1,and 6.3)
1.2 These reference radiographs consist of three separatcvolumes as follows:
1.2.1 Volume I: 1-MV X-rays and lridium-192 (called “l to2—Mev X-rays"" in previous editions)-Set of 28 plates (oincal5 by S in.( 127 by 203 mm) in a 15 by 17 in.(381 by 432 mm)ring binder).
1.2.2 Volume ll: 2 to 4-MV X-rays and Cobalt-60(called"gamma rays"" in previous editions).This includes cobalt-60 orequivalent isotope racdiation and from 2-MV up to 4-MV-rays- Set of 28 plates (reowinal 5 by 8 in.) in a i5 by 17 in.ring binder.
1.2.3 Volume lI:4-MV to 30-MV X-rays (called“10 to24 Mev X-rays" in previous editions)- Set of 28 plates (noni-nal 5 by 8 in.) in a 15 by 17 in. ring binder.
1.2.4Unless otherwise specifiedin a purchascr supplicragreement (see 1.1), cach volume is for comparison only with

E186-20 Standard Reference Radiographs for Heavy-Walled (2 to 41/2 in.(50.8 to 114 mm)) Steel Castings

ASTM E186-20 Standard Reference Radiographs for Heavy-Walled (2 to 41/2 in.(50.8 to 114 mm)) Steel Castings



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