Designation: E155-20 Standard Reference Radiographs for lnspection of Aluminum and Magnesium Castings1
1.1These reference radiographs illustrate the rypes anddegrees of discontinuities that may be found in aluminum-alloyand magnesium-alloy castings.The castings illustrated are inthicknesses of a in.(6.35 mm) and 4 in.(19.I mm). Thereference radiograph films are an adjunct to this document andshall be purchased separately from ASTM lnternational ifneeded.
1.2These film reference radiographs are not intended toillustrale the types and degrees of discontinuities found inaluminun-allay and magnesiun-alloy castings whcn perform-ing digital radiography. If performing digital radiography ofaluminumn-alloy castings. refer to Digital Reference ImageStandard E2422.Ifperforming digital radiography ofmagnesium-alloy castings.refer to Digital Reference ImageStandard E2869.
1.3This document may be used where no other applicabledocument exists,for other materiall thicknesses for which it hasbeen found to be applicable and for which agreement has beenrcached betwecn the purchaser and the manufacturer.
1.4 From time to time,there may be minor changes to theprOcess for manufacturing of the rcference radiograph adjunctimaterials.These chamges coulld include changes in the films orprocessing chcmicals used, changcs in the dies or printing forthe cardboard mats.ctc.; however, in all cases.these changesare reviewed by the lIlustration Monitoring Subcommittoe andall reference radiographs are reviewed against a fixed prototypeimage to ensure thar there are no changes to the acceptancelevel represented by the reference radiographs.Therefore. theadjunct reference radiographs remain valid for use with thisstancard regardless of the datc of production or the revisionlevel of the text standard.
E155-20 Standard Reference Radiographs for lnspection of Aluminum and Magnesium Castings