Designation: D6913-04 Standard Test Methods for Particle-Size Distribution (Gradation) of Soils Using SieveAnalysis1
1. Scope
1.1 Soils consist of particles with various shapes and sizes.This test method is used to separate particles into size rangesand to determine quantitatively the mass of particles in cachrange.These data are combined to determine the particle-sizedistribution (gradation).This test method uses a square open-ing sieve criterion in determining the gradation of soil betweenthe 3-in.(75-mm) and No.200(75-Jum) sieves.
1.2 Thc terms,soils and material, are used intcrchangcablythroughout the standard.
1.3 In cases where the gradation of particles larger than 3 in.( 75 mm) sieve is required,Test Method D 5519 may be used.
1.4 In cases where the gradation of particles smaller thanNo. 200 (75-um) sieve is required, Test Method D 4227 may beused.
1.5 Typically. if the maximum particle size is equal to orless than the 4.75 mm (No. 4 sieve),then single-set sieving isapplicable. Furthermore,if the maximum particle size isgreater than the 4.75 mm (No. 4 sieve) and equal to or less thanthe 9.5-mm (A-in sieve).then cither singlc-set sieving orcomposite sieving is applicable. Finally.if the maximum
D6913-04 Standard Test Methods for Particle-Size Distribution (Gradation) of Soils Using SieveAnalysis