Designation: D6804-19 Standard Guide for Hand Hole Design in Corrugated Boxes1
1. Scope
1.1 This standEard provides guidelines for designing pre-cutapertures intcndled for use as hand holles in corrugated boxesduring manual handling of boxed cargo.
1.2Limitationas—This standard ofers guidance for packagedevelopment and for subsequent testing of boxes to measureperformance. It is non intended lo provide specific informationon the design of hand holes.
1.3 The valucs staled in inch-pound units are to be regardedas the standard.The Sl units are for information only.
14 Tais stardard does nor purpor Io address all of thesefety cowcerns.ifany. associcred wihits use.Ir is theresporasibiliry of rhe aser of rhis stancaxrd to establishr appro-pricre seafery. healtl,ard esewiroraavertsal practices annd deter-arainte the applicabiliry ef regexlatosry 8irotisaxlionxs prior to nse..
1.5 This iasernatioral standerd was develaxped inaaccor-dance with ionernuasionaily recognized principles on standard-izeriowr esteblished ior the Decisiovr on Prirciples for aheDeveloporterae of Iraveroicerional Srecardards,Gxeiles anad Recora-araeredatioras issiaed boy the Worid Trade OrgaraizaviorsTechnicalBarriers to Trade (TBT) Coirtee.
2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Sraxrrdards:2
D996 Terminology of Packaging and Distribution Environ-ments
D1974 Practice for Methods of CLosing. Scaling. and Rein-forcing Fiberboard Boxes
D4332 Practice for Conditioning Containers,Packages.orPackaging Components for Testing
D5276 Test Method for Drop Test of Loaded Containers byFree Fall
D5445 Practice for Pictorial Markings for Handling ofGoods
D6804-19 Standard Guide for Hand Hole Design in Corrugated Boxes